Dan Holtkamp

Vail, Colorado



Twenty five years of experience in the electronic and computer industry. Experiences include web development, computer networking, database administration & design, API development, client-server software development, Unix system support and PC system configurations.





Experience Chronology

2008-2009 Holtkamp Engineering Vail, CO

Independent Computer Consultant


  • Web Development
  • Computer Software Solutions


  • Website development with embedded databases (Visit VailWebs.com)
  • Maintenance and Supported hotel systems and software

2004-2007 Holtkamp Engineering Red Lodge, MT

Independent Computer Consultant


  • Manage School IT
  • Web Development
  • Computer Software Solutions


  • Developed and implemented security policies to prevent student access to web during unsupervised computer time.
  • Designed and implemented school technology database for hardware tracing.
  • Implemented in-house mail server solution
  • Implemented in-house spam blocking solution
  • Implemented in-house web blocking solution
  • Designed, developed and implemented system recovery strategy for quick repair of computer lab systems
  • Website development

1996-2003 Hewlett Packard/Agilent Technologies Loveland, CO

Information Technology Systems Design / Software Development Engineer


  • Oracle Database System Development
  • Manufacturing System Development
  • Engineering Analysis System Development


  • Designed and developed a product specification software system that connected the manufacturing process to a single source of specifications.
  • Designed and implemented engineering analysis database solutions based on an Oracle DBMS.
  • Designed and implemented a software system that predicted database data space requirements which eliminated after hours support calls.
  • Succeeded in identifying uncontrolled manufacturing execution system software and entering it into a corporate standardized revision control system.
  • Organized and implemented the web access of database manuals for the engineering community within the business unit.
  • Developed an engineering analysis system training course that encompassed a diverse range of needs within the engineering community.

1987-1996 Hewlett Packard Loveland, CO

Manufacturing Development Engineer


  • Parametric Test System Integration
  • Mixed Signal Test System Integration
  • Data Formatting Software


  • Developed software to translate test system data output format into an engineering analysis database data model.
  • Work within a development team to delivery early test results of the INKJET print cartridge integrated circuit.
  • Designed and developed the software and hardware for a personnel entry system into a manufacturing test room to eliminate the possible exposure of ESD to products.
  • Design & developed hardware control and user interface software for an integrated circuit test system which was bundled into the product for future sales.

1982-1987 Hewlett Packard Loveland, CO

Manufacturing Product Engineer


  • Integrated Circuit Product Test Development
  • Integrated Circuit Test Fixture Development

Technical Skills

Database Systems
  • HP Allbase
  • Oracle
  • MS Access
  • MySQL
Programming Languages
  • C
  • C++
  • Java
  • Pascal
  • Basic
  • HTML
  • PHP
Operating Systems
  • Unix/Linux
  • DOS
  • Windows


Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from University Of Illinois

Master of Science in Computer Science from National Technological University

Last Updated 01/03/2023